Using Flash media components to play video in Flex projects

Posted: May 21, 2008 in Uncategorized

One of the things I hear a lot is that people really miss the Flash media components when they’re diving into Flex. So why not use that component you love so much in your Flex projects? The Flex Component Kit for Flash CS3 has been out there for a while now and if you have all the latest updates to Flash, it’s even part of your Flash CS3 authoring environment by default now. I have the feeling that people underestimate this feature and don’t really appreciate the power of this yet. So I thought it was a good idea to create a little tutorial to show you how easy it is to make Flex components in Flash CS3 and in this case, how to use the Flash media components inside your Flex projects.

So we’re going to create a Flex component that holds the FLVPlayback component and write a little bit of ActionScript code to make it work in Flex.

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